College Planning Services

Introductory Phone Call


The purpose of this call is to welcome clients to our service and establish a working relationship between the family and the Service Center Consultant. During this call, clients are told when to expect their introductory package and advised as to what their first steps should be.

Expected Family Contribution (EFC)


The Expected Family Contribution (EFC) is the budget number. The all-important EFC is the first step in the college process. CCP will calculate the EFC and coach the student and family about what the EFC means.

College Tracking List


The College Tracking List (CTL) is one of our tracking tools for navigating the college bound process. We send clients an introductory package outlining the service and key points of action. This package includes a CTL designed to keep clients informed of what is being done on their behalf.

Access to Engus Database


Access to is our one-of-a-kind, web-based application; it is a content-rich client web portal dedicated to the needs of college bound families. An interactive website, Engus is an indispensable element of our service. Features of the site include separate resource sections specifically tailored to students and their families.

Career Goal Assessment


The Career Goal Assessment can help the student confirm or discover the career he or she should pursue. The student takes an online aptitude/attitude program, My Career Planner (MCP).

Student Positioning Session


The Student Positioning Session is one of the most powerful steps the CCP offers. This step will ensure finding a college that meets the student academically, socially and the family financially. An educational counselor provides an interactive coaching session designed to help the family and student choose the most viable schools.

Interactive Online Program Tool


The Interactive Online Program Tool will save the student and family hundreds of hours of time. This service provides access to an online program used as an adjunct to the Student Positioning Session.   The Student Positioning online tool, accessed through Engus, allows clients to add/drop colleges from their inventory of prospective schools, and view/print general, administrative, and financial data sheets on over 1900 U.S. colleges. Interactive capabilities are included which allow students to explore a “what if” scenario, should they improve their standardized test scores.

Interactive Follow Up Student Positioning Phone Sessions


Interactive Follow Up Student Positioning Phone Sessions are necessary for many clients. As a supplement to the original Student Positioning Session, this service provides an interactive, follow-up phone conference, as a means to touch base with the student and to further encourage and foster the Student Positioning philosophy during the college selection process.

College Admissions Applications Bootcamp (CARB)


The College Admissions Applications Bootcamp (CAAB) is a webinar with a live counselor whose task is to assist with college admissions applications. CCP will not fill out admissions applications but will offer these boot camp meetings to assist students in the process.

Due Dates Report


Due Dates Report is an additional important tool. Once colleges have been selected, we offer a due dates report through ENGUS to ensure knowledge of all deadlines.

Data Verification Session


The Data Verification Session is a critical part of the process. During the Data Verification Session, the client and CCP will make certain that the financial data used to the complete financial aid application is accurate. By using our internet-based system, clients have the opportunity to review and agree that all information is correct before any financial aid forms are filed.

Preparation of the CSS Profile


Preparation of the CSS Profile, an application required by some colleges. This form is considered more complicated than the FAFSA. It is critical that information reported on all financial aid forms be consistent.

Preparation of Institutional Financial Aid Forms


Preparation of Institutional Financial Aid Forms is an additional service where we take care of all need-based financial aid forms required by the specific colleges. Some schools have their own need-based forms that are just as important as the Financial Aid Profile (FAP) and the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Preparation


Preparation of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is required by every college bound student and family, even by the student and family who will not receive need-based assistance. This form must be completed to qualify for federal aid, most state programs, and is often required for institutional merit-based aid.

Online Awards Analysis


Online Awards Analysis is a breakdown of the packages a student is awarded. By providing comparative reports, we can make it crystal clear what the true cost will be for the student’s first year in college.

Evaluation of Award Letters and Appeal Process Support


Evaluation of Award Letters and Appeal Process Support is a major step. Through our analysis, we can determine if it is to the family’s benefit to appeal an award package. If an appeal is deemed necessary, we will assist with the appeal process by consulting with the client on an appeal letter and coaching them about how to have a dialogue with the college regarding the appeal.

Loan Options Counseling


Loan Options Counseling is provided on the four loan options: private loans, college loans, federal loans and state loans. We also provide the family with a college loan booklet which addresses important topics.

Monthly Teleconferences


Monthly Teleconferences are live and interactive. These teleconferences are group settings, discussing in detail an assortment of timely college-bound topics. The teleconferences portion of the program starts in January of the junior year.

Quarterly Conference Calls


Quarterly Status Calls allow the servicer to keep track of the student and family and make sure that they are on course. A series of status calls ensure that the student and family are well aware of the next step in the program.

Monthly Email Program


Monthly Email Program is a powerful, chronological tool. The email campaign is part of the entire planning process to ensure the student and family are on the right track.

Comprehensive Customer Service


A Comprehensive Customer Service System allows the student and family to have their questions answered along the way by our experienced and knowledgeable staff.

Data Privacy and Security


Data Privacy and Security is our top and utmost concern. We secure your data by using hybrid information security systems, data back-up, and other safeguards unparalleled in the industry. Feel free to ask about our IT safety track record.

Standardized Test Preparation


Standardized Test Preparation is an important piece of this process.  We recommend and have access to the best online virtual tutor for the ACT or SAT (if applicable).